To change the height and width of the window, drag the size box.
Scroll bar
To scroll a little at a time, press one of the scroll arrows. To scroll by the windowful, click in the gray bar. To scroll to another part of the window, drag the scroll box.
Scroll bar
Use the scroll bar to see items that are out of view. This scroll bar is not available because this window contains no items that are above or below the window’s borders.
To go backward to the previous help topic, click this arrow.
To go forward to the next help topic, click this arrow.
To go backward to the previous help topic, click this arrow. Not available because this is the first help topic.
To go forward to the next help topic, click this arrow. Not available because this is the last help topic.
To varnish some really fine waffles, hold down the Option key and click this icon.
To cancel the current operation, click this button.
Full group list
This window shows all of the groups which are available on your news server.
New groups list
This window shows the new groups which have appeared on your news server since the last time NewsWatcher checked for new groups.
User group list
This window contains the groups which you are most interested in reading most of the time. To learn how to build this list, select the “Subscribing and Unsubscribing” command in the Guide/Help menu.
The numbers in this column give an estimate of how many unread articles are in each group. If a group has no unread articles, no number is displayed.
Subject window
This window lists the authors and subjects of the articles in a group.
Subject window
This window lists the subjects of the articles in a group.
Thread control
This thread is collapsed (only the first article in the thread is shown). To expand the thread to show all the articles, click this triangle.
Thread control
This thread is expanded (all the articles in the thread are shown). To collapse the thread to show only the first article, click this triangle.
The “-” means that this article is not part of a thread.
This article is part of an expanded thread.
The numbers in this column tell you how many articles are in each thread.
NewsWatcher displays a check mark in this column for articles you have read. A “<” means that a multiple part posting is incomplete (some parts haven’t arrived yet). A “•” means that the last part of a multiple part posting has arrived.
Padlock icon
To lock the size and position of this window, click this icon. When you open subject windows in the future, they will open in the same position as this window and with the same size as this window.
Padlock icon
The subject window position is locked. Subject windows open with the same position and size as this window. To unlock the subject window position, click this icon.
Help window
This window displays information which helps you use the NewsWatcher application.
Padlock icon
To lock the size and position of this window, click this icon. When you open article windows in the future, they will open in the same position as this window and with the same size as this window.
Padlock icon
The article window position is locked. Article windows open with the same position and size as this window. To unlock the article window position, click this icon.
Article window
This window shows one article in a group.
To go backward one article, click this arrow.
To go backward one article, click this arrow. Not available because this is the first article in the group.
To go forward one article, click this arrow.
To go forward one article, click this arrow. Not available because this is the last article in the group.
This article has an attached file. To extract the file and copy it to your hard drive, click this icon.
From header
This header line identifies the person who posted this article.
Organization header
This header line identifies the organization of the person who posted this article.
Newsgroups header
This header line lists the newsgroups to which this article was posted.
Followup-To header
If you followup to this article, it will be posted to the newsgroups listed in this header.
Reply-To header
If you reply to this article via email, your email reply will be mailed to the address given in this header.
Date header
This header line identifies the date and time the article was posted.
This article is part of a thread.
This large article has been split into sections. You can only view one section at a time.
To go backward to the previous section, click this arrow.
To go backward to the previous section, click this arrow. Not available because you are at the first section.
To go forward to the next section, click this arrow.
To go forward to the next section, click this arrow. Not available because you are at the last section.
Use this scroll bar to go backward and forward through the article sections.
The message will be posted as a news article. To not post the message, click this icon to uncheck it.
To post the message as a news article, click this icon to check it.
The message will be sent via email. To not send the message via email, click this icon to uncheck it.
To send the message via email, click this icon to check it.
You will get a carbon copy of the message sent to yourself via email. To not get a carbon copy, click this icon to uncheck it.
To get a carbon copy of the message sent to yourself via email, click this icon to check it.
To send the message, click this button.
To send the message, click this button. Not available because none of the three icons are checked.
Message window
Use this window to compose and send news postings and mail messages.
When you press the Tab key in the body or signature, NewsWatcher advances to the next field in the window. To have the Tab key instead advance to the next tab stop, click this box.
When you press the Tab key in the body or signature, NewsWatcher advances to the next tab stop. To have the Tab key instead advance to the next field in the window, click this box.
The message is not wrapped before it is sent (carriage returns are not added at the ends of lines). To wrap the message before it is sent, click this box. WARNING: Send messages unwrapped only if you really know what you are doing!
The message is wrapped before it is sent (carriage returns are added at the ends of lines). To send the message unwrapped, click this box. WARNING: Send messages unwrapped only if you really know what you are doing!
Type the number of columns between tab stops here.
Type the quote string here (the string that is inserted in front of lines to “quote” them). Keep this string short (one or two characters is best).
Type the list of newsgroups to which you wish to post the message here. Separate the group names by commas or carriage returns.
Type the email addresses of the people to whom you wish to send the message here. Separate the addresses by commas or carriage returns.
Type the subject of the message here.
Type the email addresses of additional carbon copy recipients here. Separate the addresses by commas or carriage returns.
Type the email addresses of additional blind carbon copy recipients here. Separate the addresses by commas or carriage returns. No one will know you sent the message to these people.
If you wish email replies to this message to be sent to a special address (some address other than the one you configured as your email address in the preferences), type the special email address here.
If you wish followups to this message to be posted to a different set of groups than the ones listed in the Newsgroups field above, type the list of groups here. To request replies via email, type “poster” here.
Type any special keywords for your message here.
If you wish to restrict the distribution of this message to fewer sites than the default distribution, type the distribution here. Ask your news server administrator to find out what distributions are available on your news server.
If you wish to add any special news header lines for this message, type them here.
If you wish to add any special mail header lines for this message, type them here.